
8 green tomatoes

3 medium onions

3 green or red peppers

1/2 cup salt

1 quart water

3 cups vinegar

2 tablespoons whole spices

2 cups sugar


Grind the tomatoes, onions, and peppers together and put in bowl. Sprinkle with the salt and let set for 3 hours.

After 3 hours rinse with the quart of water.


Mix sugar with vinegar in pan and place on stove. Put whole spices in a filter tied at the top or a cloth bag also tied at top and place in solution. Bring to a boil and then let simmer. Put the bulk of the ground tomatoes, onions, pepper, and salt in the solution and let simmer until it changes color.


Take out of solution and place in jars.

(To can place in canning jars and cook for another 10 minutes. Take jars out of canner and apply lids and seals.)

Note: I remember my brother and me just loved Mom's Relish on our hamburgers. After Mom passed away I thought this Recipe was lost forever. She had never written the recipe down or given it to anyone. Cooks in those day just made everything from memory. I happened to ask my oldest sister if she knew the recipe. To my amazement she had remembered it by heart.

I hope you like it as much as I do. It's worth the trouble you might have to go through to make it.


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